Schools Visits

Broadway Gallery is proud to offer a range of activities at varying price points for local schools.
Our schools' programme varies throughout the year with the change in our exhibitions. We also offer a year-round programme for schools including self-led visits, bespoke workshops and Creative Network Meetings. Please see the details of these activities below.
To enquire about a visit please fill out this form.
Self-led Visits
Duration: 30 Minutes - 1 Hour
A self-led visit to the gallery is free to all schools so your students can access and explore exhibitions as needed. We kindly ask all schools to please book visits in advance to help us manage our bookings.
During these visits, students can independently explore our latest exhibition. Remember to bring sketchbooks and drawing materials with you to capture their experiences.
Bespoke Workshops
If you wish to introduce your students to new and exciting artforms but do not know where to start, a bespoke workshop may be for you. With a brilliant range of local artists, our team will work with you to find the right activity for your students.
Starting at £200 per session, workshops can take place in the Gallery studios or in your classroom. Get in touch here.
Letchworth Schools’ Creative Network
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
These termly meetings bring together creative teaching staff from Letchworth Garden City to learn, collaborate and inform the town’s collective arts, culture and heritage offer. In addition each meeting our team provide school staff the chance to get creative with practical skills development.
Sign up for the next one here.
Key Information
Capacity: 32 students
Coach/Bus Drop Off: Station Way, followed by a 1 minute walk through the Arcade
Ground Floor: Lift and stairs to 1st floor
1st Floor: Lift lobby, seated reception area, kitchenette, main gallery space, men's, women's and disabled access bathrooms, lift to 2nd floor
2nd Floor: Family Arts Studio, Blue Studio, men's and women's toilets, office
For all enquires and bookings please Mollie the Cultural Learning Officer below.