Tue 12 Nov 2024
Peter Massey: Atmosphere & Light
Garden City Arts Club

I started painting when my daughter Angela gave me a box of watercolours for my birthday 22 years ago. My intention was to use them up and stop there. However, I found that I was hooked. I had always admired painting but thought that painting needed a great deal of talent so l confined my image making to photography.
I took a few workshops at Tim's art supplies and I also played lots of instructional videos over and over. Gradually my work improved. After lots of disappointment and frustration I started to get satisfying results. While exhibiting at a gallery in Letchworth I was asked to take over as tutor. After a shaky start I began to feel confident and things started to work out. I enjoyed doing the classes and made a lot of friends along the way. I decided to stop painting in watercolour except for classes and had a go at acrylics. I found acrylics quite easy to do but the end product I didn't like at all. So, I then decided to take up oils and this is now what I love to do.
My subject matter is atmosphere and light. I found a good source for this are coastal scenes but I am currently working on interiors, hoping to capture a similar feeling and quality. But of course they are paintings not photographs. If one of my paintings looks photographic, I immediately get rid of it. It's a never-ending journey and one that I will never tire of.
I love to visit galleries from the great masters to the small galleries in coastal towns, the Royal Academy and the Mall galleries in London. My favourite artist still living and painting today is Fred Cuming RA, his amazing use of subtle colour and light is something special. I am so grateful to Roz Down who allowed me to join the Hitchin art hub and has given me lots of encouragement. She works tirelessly for all of us members, and as I said I am grateful to her.
As well as exhibiting at the information centre, always take part in the art markets in Hitchin, which we have around 4 times a year. It's a very enjoyable day and all artwork is for sale. I love meeting people and chatting about making art. - Peter Massey
An exhibition of Peter Massey's paintings will be on display at the Broadway Gallery from Wednesday 27 November - Saturday 21 December. Paintings are priced at £220, wall all sales supporting both the Artist and the Broadway Gallery.