Sat 9 Mar 2024
Responses to the work of James Joyce.
Upcoming exhibition

The Broadway Gallery is delighted to be supporting the LALG’s Ulysses Reading Group in celebrating ‘Bloomsday’ and the work of James Joyce. The Broadway Gallery will be hosting an exhibition focusing on responses to Joyce’s work in the Garden City Arts Club throughout the month of June.
Poets and Artists wishing to participate are invited to read a short story from Joyce’s collection ‘Dubliners’ and respond to it. For Poets; a single A4 page. For Artists; you submission should be no larger than A3 in size, in a medium of your choice whether it pencil, pen and ink, oil, acrylic or watercolour. Artists and poets should deliver their work to the Broadway Gallery between Wednesday 29 May – Saturday 1 June, between 10am-5pm.
James Joyce’s short story collection ‘Dubliners’ caused great difficulty for him and huge public controversy before and after its first publication in 1914. Today the collection ‘Dubliners’ – impressive yet easily read – is widely regarded as a masterpiece: never out of print; fifteen stories of variable lengths and subject matter; and can be read online here.
All questions should be directed to Hugh Pollock of the Ulysses Reading Group.