Emma Phillips
- Fri 10 Feb 2023 8:55 – Sun 26 Mar 2023 17:00

The Broadway Gallery is delighted to host an exhibition of new work by Emma Phillips, who received one of the 2022 Letchworth Open bursaries. Emma is an artist from Stevenage, who graduated from Wimbledon College of Art, UAL and received the Prunella Clough Painting Prize in 2020. She will be presenting work alongside Nigel Grimmer and Tabitha Wilson fellow recipients of the Letchworth Open bursaries.
In her large-scale drawing Emma sets out to address Britain’s changing landscape and the destruction of the natural world. Her work confronts the audience with dark ritualistic imagery that explores humanities sacrificial landscape relationship with nature.

Emma Phillips (b.1998) is an artist and facilitator from Stevenage, Hertfordshire. Phillips graduate with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art from Wimbledon College of Arts – University of the Arts London, where she was awarded the Prunella Clough Painting Prize. Her work comprises of large-scale drawings and painting on paper that address Britain’s changing landscape, psychologies of space and the destruction of our native wildlife. Recently her work has been featured in the ‘Late Britain Zine’ (2022) and ‘Bloc Party Magazine (2021).